Serial Podcast: My Response

I’ve recently been introduced to the podcast series known as Serial. It is the story of a boy who had been convicted of murdering his girlfriend without actually having any hard evidence built up against him. He, and almost everyone he knows, says he didn’t do it; except his best friend. It really is an interesting story.

I’m writing this post, not to share my response t17898534-ear-symbol-stock-vector-ear-listen-icono the actual story, but to how I enjoyed listening to the podcast. It was my first time ever listening to an interesting story this way. For me, it is usually either online in an article, or I am reading a book or newspaper in my hands. I actually enjoyed just sitting back and listening. It was almost as if I didn’t know what to do with myself! I wasn’t looking at anything, but I also wasn’t holding anything. I was all ears.

Presenting investigative journalism in this format is, I think, is very smart. It gives your listeners the closest thing they can get to a one-on-one conversation about the situation. They get the chance to form the image in their head themselves, while actually listening to someone speak and explain what is going on. They then connect their mental image to what the podcast is saying, and perceive the whole scenario their own way. This format puts the listener in their own little world. Who doesn’t love to be in their own world sometimes? Away from all of your problems and troubles of your daily life!

As interesting as listening to the podcast was, I still do prefer reading: even if that means my hands aren’t 100% free! I enjoy reading as I can move at my own pace and really take the time to absorb the information. It sticks in my head better when I actually see the information and words.

This relates to how Koenig opened the podcast talking about memory. She spoke about how easy people can recall the events of a certain day. I for sure would have trouble with this. Unless something memorable or special happened that day (like a holiday, or birthday), then I would for sure have trouble recalling what happened if it happened more than a week ago. This raises concerns for the rest of the podcast. Who really can’t remember what they did and is just making a story up to seem innocent? Who is ‘forgetting’ what they did and blaming it on the memory of it being a normal day?

Personally, I don’t consider podcasts a very popular form of literature, but among the people who do listen to podcasts, Serial is often a recognizable title to them. It makes one wonder how the victim’s family might feel about it becoming such a popular story.


I think they should be happy about the case going so viral! I mean, if Adnan wasn’t the actual killer, shouldn’t they want the person who did this to get caught? I think they should want it to go as viral as it possibly can.



Thanks for listening today guys!


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